Monday, October 27, 2014

mh retard services going incognito terrorizing with insults and pennies which they would prefer to add to own gazillions

I came to drop in my few cans yest and ran into an incognito retard mh service scam. dude who dumped some cans on me without indicating they were for me and which I subsequently referred to stuck up sick in the head Mexican running the place on this day admitted he dumped those on me. I did not know the scoundrel was party to scam but this time he was in the company of 2 retarded women for one of whom he was putting in his cans. then threw few harder to insert cans as direct insult to me but which he would rather keep as part of community terrorizing project. likewise asshole day bef yest with his thumbs up is party to same mh retard scam talking to driver abt 2 bucks he would've given but all of which they actually steal by organizing crime and pocketing huge moneys from gvt and communities as special flavor for their nasty acts. ongoing terrorizing activities by gangs of coterrorists for whom the community law enf and gvt are salvaging the resources to aid with destruction and extortion and murder of undesired persons such as myself.